How to connect German proxy IP in apple tv?

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Germany is a world-famous high-end manufacturing power, and it is also a highly developed capitalist country. Many film and television works that spread German culture are also loved by users around the world. However, if you want to watch some German TV series on Apple TV, use German music software, play German server games, etc., you will need a German VPN to do so successfully. Therefore, for many overseas friends, a high-quality VPN can make network activities smoother.



Why recommend FlyVPN?


FlyVPN’s servers cover more than 40 countries and regions around the world. No matter where you are, you can enjoy fast network connection services to meet everyone’s different network connection needs. Moreover, we have no bandwidth or traffic restrictions and can provide everyone with extremely fast network connections.


We also have specialized encryption technology that can hide everyone’s online whereabouts and real IP addresses, protect everyone’s privacy and legitimate interests, and ensure the integrity, confidentiality, availability, authenticity and controllability of network data.


FlyVPN supports free trials. Newly registered users can use it for 3 days without restrictions on the mobile phone. After 3 days, they can also use it for free for 1 hour every day to connect to our free lines.



How to get a German proxy IP using FlyVPN?


1. Download the FlyVPN client from the Apple TV app store, then use your email address to register and log in to FlyVPN.


2. In the country list on the homepage, select "Germany", then select the city you like based on the server list on the right, and then connect with one click.

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